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>> 铁路坠陀模具
>> 挡渣块模具
地址: 保定市东三环米家堤村东
电话: 13315438000
传真: 0312-8183000
邮箱: 1903165600@qq.com
联系人: 崔经理
QQ: 1903165600


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In our daily life, eaves are widely used, because the main application of products in housing construction, the production of eaves required auxiliary tools is eaves mold, here we can also be called eaves mold. It can be made of polypropylene (PP) plastic. People prefer PP to ABS eaves. Mainly because this material through high-temperature die-casting molding, relatively new style, high quality and low price, high smoothness, non-deformation, easy demoulding, low damage rate advantages, but also a high strength, toughness, corrosion resistance, high temperature resistant material, so become a commonly used plastic mold for cement eaves (i.e. cement eaves). This mold is mainly used in building, the construction of flat roof. Our factory has been producing eaves molds for 21 years. Compared with other mold factories, we are more professional and conscientious, and have advanced production technology, because we are in line with quality assurance, thoughtful service, to ensure that you are satisfied with the production of products.

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檐板模具,屋檐板模具,房檐板模具|保定市润达塑料模具厂 崔经理:13315438000 公司QQ:1903165600